"PhotonView with ID xxx has 2 methods" Error

A have 2 components attach to a game object. Both components are derived from one base class. The base class has a RPC functions. When one of the component try to called the RPC, I get the "PhotonView with ID xxx has 2 methods" error.

Any idea on how I can solve this?



  • Tobias
    Hmmm, good point and I see why it's annoying.
    At the moment, I don't have a good solution for this, aside from avoiding inheriting the RPCs.

    We actually use a Unity feature to call the method by name and this apparently clashes with it.
    You could also modify NetworkingPeer.ExecuteRPC, if you wanted to.
  • xblade724
    This was at the top of Google, for me. This is more critical than ever for a fix now that Prefab Variants exists (since Unity 2018.3):

    You cannot delete a component from a variant: You can only disable it. @ Awake, destroying it doesn't seem to help. I'll always get "has 2 methods". Any workarounds until a proper patch?