Where is the vehicles sample?

Hi everyone,

I am searching for example projects/scenes that show how bolt works for various game genres.
But more specifically I am searching for the sample scene shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyyO3KvL9wg
Unfortunately there are only two example scenes out of the box and both are clearly bugged (one has a character falling indefinitely and the other even misses a main camera), but nothing else I could find.
Does anybody know where to find the vehicles sample or other useful sample projects?



  • ddd
    The tutorial that comes with bolt is a wealth of information (not only for bolt but for programming in general) granted there is not much documentation or examples I had to learn the tutorial like the back of my hand. It was a blessing not having everything spoon fed, learned way more along the way of trial and error. I would start a new unity project everyday and try to replicating/changing what I learned the tutorial.

    The vehicle tutorial is way outdated. It's Version 0204
    It basically takes away your control from the player and gives you control of the vehicle.
  • Sippolo
    edited October 2015
    I mean, it's good that we have a tutorial and a basic (bugged) example.
    But the importance of having premade example projects is not something to overlook in my opinion, I'd rather start up a sample project to have a feeling of what the framework is capable of right out of the box, instead of tinkering with tutorials and bugged example scenes, because that takes too much time if you only need to evaluate possible scenarios.
    Remember that this is a paid asset, imho having working example scenes should be mandatory for assets in general, especially paid assets (and above all the ones with no downloadable demo out of the box).
  • stanchion
    stanchion mod
    edited October 2015
    I have tested the tutorial included with Bolt extensively, it definitely works. What is the bugged example you are talking about?
  • Sippolo
    edited October 2015
    stanchion said:

    I have tested the tutorial included with Bolt extensively, it definitely works. What is the bugged example you are talking about?

    I'm talking about the scenes included in the Photon Bolt asset package just after you import it into your project.
    There are only two scenes, a Level1 scene (which is just a placeholder level for the Advanced tutorial) and a BoltDebugScene (upon start you can see a character falling indefinitely in space and nothing else).
    Both are bugged out of the box, that's what I mean, I'm not talking about the tutorial which is great and well written.
    At any rate, I contacted support and solved my request directly, but I still wonder why there aren't working sample scenes in the package out of the box, there should be.
  • stanchion
    BoltDebugScene is part of Bolt, not an example, and Level1 is not a placeholder, its a fully functional example of a game in Bolt.
  • Sippolo
    edited October 2015
    stanchion said:

    BoltDebugScene is part of Bolt, not an example, and Level1 is not a placeholder, its a fully functional example of a game in Bolt.

    Thanks for the explanation!
    Seems like I was starting it the wrong way, my bad really.
    But I still have issues when I start the example.
    The main camera looks like this:


    I seem to be able to move the character though.
    I just added Level1 in the build's scenes, compiled Bolt, built and executed with Debug Start.
    Also in the editor I get lots of these errors:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    PlayerCamera.UpdateCamera (Boolean allowSmoothing) (at Assets/bolt/sample/bolt_sample/scripts/Player/PlayerCamera.cs:69)
    PlayerCamera.LateUpdate () (at Assets/bolt/sample/bolt_sample/scripts/Player/PlayerCamera.cs:57)

  • Sippolo
    edited October 2015
    Well it seems there was an error, just a Grayscale Effect component resulting in null reference, and this was the original code from the imported package.
    Commented it for the moment and it's finally working.
  • Sippolo
    edited November 2015
    I have another problem now, I would be grateful to anybody willing to help.

    I have a working vehicle demo in Unity 5 controller by wheel colliders.
    After I got the advanced tutorial from bolt done and working (I guess), I see client movements get crazy and I suspected it was because of some physics issue with bolt.
    But I don't quite understand how am I supposed to control a vehicle in Unity 5 differently than how I'm doing it and still make it work with Bolt networking.

    Before implementing Bolt networking, my CarController worked by checking input in the Update method, then in FixedUpdate I simply apply them to wheels steerAngle/motorTorque/brakeTorque variables.
    I don't apply any manual forces to any rigidbody.

    Now this is how I implemented bolt networking for my CarController, following step by step the Advanced Tutorial in the documentation, now leaving out the other bits I will describe the CarController modifications I did.
    First of all I commented the whole Update and FixedUpdate methods.
    In my CarController.SimulateController method I check input from player (vertical/horizontal axis) and send a command with these inputs.
    In CarController.ExecuteCommand method I read commands and reset state if needed (by manually resetting transform.position of the vehicle), otherwise apply command input to wheel colliders variables, again without applying any manual forces to the rigidbodies.
    Then I Debug Start the scene, so the server starts in the editor (which spawns a server player car) and client from standalone (which spawns a client controlled car).

    A this point, all variables/transform are correctly replicated between server/client (I can correctly see updated positions and steering animations), but while server's car moves as it should, client's car is WAY too glitchy and moves by itself most of the time (as if it was not synced...I just don't know what's happening).
    I mean, the client's car responds to inputs but it constantly jitters and very often just moves like it has it's own glitchy inertia going on.

    If I try to set cars rigidbody to kinematic only on clients (as in Bolt's Unity 4 vehicle demo), I get that client's car just freezes and can't be moved at all.

    Does anybody know what could be the problem?

    Bolt v2 (yeah I know it's old) vehicle example works nice with Unity 4.7, no lag at all, I noticed car rigidbodies are set to Kinematic by default but programmatically set to dynamic only on server.
    One difference is that on this demo the server is not also a player, so you have to fire up two clients other than the server (which runs in the editor) to test more than one player simultaneously, but then again it's working flawlessly.
    It's a bit confusing to me.


    After some other tests, I observed the scene from the editor (server), and the client movements are correct from the server point of view, but the client movements are not, they are really glitchy and incorrect.
    If I comment the setting of command result variables, I get that the client vehicle is frozen in place but on the server point of view it's moving correctly......
    How so?

    *ooops...sorry for the wall of text, hope someone would help!
  • Tobias
    @Sippolo: Can you let us know if you're still stuck or if you got any further?
  • Sippolo
    Sorry I forgot to update the thread actually.
    You can consider the issue closed, I moved on restarting everything from scratch, making each client instantiate their vehicle and it's working fine now.
    Thank you.