FindFriends() not working correctly when getting info on player connected through a Virtual Machine

Hello. The PhotonNetwork.FindFriends() method doesn't seem to work correctly when getting info on a player connected through a virtual machine but seems to work perfectly fine getting info on a player connected through a real machine. Here is my setup:

My RealMachine has a VirutalMachine running under VMware Workstation. Both machines are running Windows 7 Home Premium with the latest updates and service packs installed. Both machines are also running Unity 5.1.1f1, Photon Pun+ 1.62, and identical Unity Game projects.

For testing, I'm connecting to Photon through RealMachine as "Player1". Then I connect to Photon through VirtualMachine as "Player2". If I make the call to FindFriends() from the VirtualMachine passing a string array with just "Player1" in it, and I wait for OnUpdatedFriendList() to hit, PhotonNetwork.Friends contains correct information about "Player1":

Room = some guid
IsInRoom = true
IsOnline = true
Name = "Player1"

If, however, I do the opposite (Getting info on "Player2" from RealMachine), the data I get back on Player2 is incorrect. It reads as follows:

Room = ""
IsInRoom = false
IsOnline = false
Name = "Player2"

Everything about both machines is identical except that one is virtual and one is real. I even tried turning off Windows Firewall completely on the VirtualMachine as I figured perhaps something is not getting through to the Photon servers. But the result is the same. I also tried reversing the player names (RealMachine=Player2, VirtualMachine=Player1), but as expected the data on Player2 was good but data on Player1 was bad.

Has anyone ever encountered this? Are there any specific settings that should be applied to the Virtual Machine to have Photon work correctly? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • CircleOf14
    Solved. I'm not sure how though. First thing I did was restart my Virtual Machine after disabling Windows Firewall then everything works as expected. So I figured Windows Firewall was the culprit. So out of curiosity I enabled it again and restarted Virtual Machine again to see if FindFriends() would break again but it didn't. It's working fine even with Windows Firewall up.

    Weird fluke I guess. Sorry if I wasted anybody's time. Thanks.