Multiplayer Lobby Confusion

Here's my scenario, I'm trying to create a multiplayer lobby for a game, What I did is I created one "master room" which every player must join initially so I can easily list/show all players currently connected to multiplayer using card like player info with a button to invite a player. Then if two players agree to play together, they would both leave the room and create a private room of their own, and start the game.

Unfortunately, I got stuck on the invite button, I have no idea on how to send a message to a specific player to invite him to play without using photon view. The player cards don't have a photon view component, and I'm listing it locally just by accessing PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers. How do I go about doing this? Is there an implementation that I missed, or should I try a different approach? if so what would you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answers


  • jmsalandanan
    edited October 2015
    @vadim Thanks, I just discovered that a few hours after I posted this question and it works!

    @Tobias thanks for the insights, though why I chose to put matchmaking inside a room, is because I can't access a master player list outside a room. I'll check the approach you recommended and try it out. I'm still new to multiplayers and networking so I'm still a bit confused on how to approach each problem accordingly. Thanks again guys, great support