Have we lost custom room properties in 1.62 ?

As of the most recent update (1.62) I can no longer see how to use custom room properties. My application only uses one custom prop, but it is very important to game flow. Can I get a hint at where the custom room props went? I've searched everywhere I can think of, but only find outdated information on room props.


Best Answers


  • MT3

    I've updated over 20 scenes with a simple cut and paste and they look like they are working fine now. A few special cases to deal with also but now everything seems to be working as before. It's a large project
    won't know for sure without extensive testing, but I feel good about it.

    I had not updated for several versions, an attempt a couple of versions back resulted in many errors, so I decided to wait even longer to update. It seems to have worked out well for me.

    BTW, the two lines you posted clarified it for me more than anything else I read, well done <3 I had previously been setting custom room props while creating the room, immediately before loading a new scene (successfully).