What is being returned when calling PhotonView.isMine ?

I'm in the process of learning about RPC and according to the tutorial I'm following all that it takes to call an RPC method is the following code
 void Update()
 if( !PhotonView.isMine )
 if ( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.Space ) )
 PhotonView.RPC( "testRPC", RPCMode.All );
 void testRPC( NetworkMessageInfo info )
 Debug.Log( "Test RPC called from " + info.sender.ipAddress );
does PhotonView.isMine return an array of all photonViews in the scene and thus the if statement is used? can I instead us PhotonView.getViewId for example to target a specfic view?
also in the same code if I was to remove the ! not from the if statment i.e
if( PhotonView.isMine )
would it call the method when the other player presses the spacebar?


  • Tobias
    The script with Update() is on a GameObject with a specific PhotonView. All views on the GO are either true or false for isMine. It's not a list (if doesn't work with lists, only bool).
    To target a specific GO, you need to have a reference to it. How that's done is probably explained somewhere, but it's less a Photon question (sorry).
  • SuperRaed
    thanks Tobias, it's not what I was asking for perhaps I should have rephrased better.
    say for example Player 1 instantiated a GO what would happen is a GO is created in his scene and a projection or a clone is created in the other Player's scene, right? and the same thing goes for player 2 as well I assume.
    now my question is, within player 1 GO script when I say if(photonView.isMine) then obviously I'm referring to my object but when I say if ( ! photonView.isMine) who am I referring to? is it my projection in the other player's scene or the other player's projection in my scene?