PUN Unity Rigidbodies acting weird?

Hello. I have been having tons of hair-pulling days lately. Alright let me explain, so I have a ball, with a movement script that uses a rigidbody. Also I have photon view monitoring the velocity, angular velocity, position, rotation. You know all that good stuff I need. But when I connect two clients, And hit each other (the players are spheres) the physics screws up and either doesn't act like it hit at all or does weird movements. Can anyone shed some light on this? (I'm not a noob but I'm not a pro so please explain well)


  • vadim
    DemoBoxes demo from PUN package does something like this. Check OnAwakePhysicsSettings.cs script which sets object isKinematic setting.
  • Fr0sTy
    Hello, Vadim. Thanks for replying!
    What are you trying to get at about iskinematic setting? I applied the script to the players and now it doesn't move at all, like at all.