LNK2019 error with JString

I'm using Marmalade on my project and I have added all the necessary things to my mkb file but I still get an error.
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ExitGames::Common::JString::JString(char const * const)" (??0JString@Common@ExitGames@@QAE@QBD@Z) referenced in function _main d:\Software\C++\Marmalade\MMO\build_mmo_vc11\main.obj MMO_vc11

I had a lot more errors before because I forgot to add the module_path to options and adding that fixed them all except for this one.


  • Kaiserludi
    Kaiserludi admin
    edited October 2015
    Hi Nytheris.

    As this is a linker error, not a compiler error, Marmalade can obviously see JString.h with the declaration for that function, but not the Common-cpp static library in which the definition of that function resides. Please check, paths in your .mkb file.

    Please have a look at demo_loadBalancing_marmalade.mkb for reference.

    Depending on the relative location of your .mkb file to those libraries you may have to adjust the paths in the .mkb, but aside from that your .mkb should also contain all the references to Common-cpp, Photon-cpp and LoadBalancing-cpp, that demo_loadBalancing_marmalade.mkb contains.

    That demo is part of both, the Marmalade SDK itself and also the Photon Marmalade Client SDK.

    If you don't use the Photon Client version that ships with Marmalade itself, but use the latest version from our download section, then please make sure to delete the Photon version that within the Marmalade installation folder to avoid conflicts between those two versions.