state.Modify() unrecognized

I was going through the tutorial and everything has been working so far but this line is causing some problems for me:

using (var stateModify = state.Modify())

var throws an Unknown resolve error and state.Modify()throws a Type 'CustomPlayerState' does not contain a definition for `Modify' and no extension method `Modify' of type `CustomPlayerState' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Am I supposed to be using an alternative to state.Modify() or does my project have a problem that I need to find? The API docs and the tutorial both still use it so I am guessing its valid. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be a huge help.


  • state.Modify no longer exists, to modify a state property you can just do state.myProperty = 0 or whatever your property is called
  • Deeyo
    oh ok that makes things easier, thanks!