You can't do this if Bolt is not running

I'm just getting started adding Bolt to my existing game. I'm trying to do a simple test that follows the "Getting Started" section of the documentation.

I'm using the provided OnGUI code for start server / Start Client and am getting the error "You can't do this if Bolt is not running" when running the line "BoltNetwork.LoadScene("networkingTest");"

I do have the "networkTest" scene in my player settings and have compiled bolt assembly.

Here is what it looks like when I click the "Start Server" button

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?


  • Make sure "BoltNetwork.LoadScene("networkingTest")" is in BoltStartDone
  • RxMarcus
    Sorry but I don't see anything about BoltStartDone in the API documentation, could you help me understand the syntax to use it?
  • RxMarcus
    Oh I see a BoltStarted() I'll try that
  • The API doc needs to be updated. If you are on the latest bolt then use BoltStartDone
  • RxMarcus
    Found an example of it in BoltDebugStart.cs, thanks!