Does Bolt Engine support use of AssetBundles?

For example, can you spawn object over network from AssetBundle or it is only intended for use with Prefabs?

Best Answers


  • I have followup question regarding answer on forum - "As long as the
    prefab is found when compiling Bolt you can spawn it over the network".
    I don't quite understand what "when compiling Bolt" means.
    We are considering buying Photon Bolt Engine and i don't know how it
    exactly works yet. Is Bolt compilation happening in Unity Editor or at
    Runtime when application starts? We want to spawn dynamic objects loaded
    from AssetBundles at Runtime, is it possible?
  • Ok. Thanks for answer.
  • Markus
    Bolt Prefabs need to be in the project when Bolt compiles and finds all prefabs with a Bolt Entity. Spawning an object from AssetBundles outside of the normal project will not work but you can use AssetBundles for everything besides
  • Wizzard
    Bolt compiles in the Unity Editor when you click on a button for it prior to building your project
  • silentneedle
    Wouldn't it be possible to add a dummy prefab in the project (just for the compilation) and adding the BoltEntity at runtime to the prefabs from the asset bundles? The prefab id could be set with the ModifySettings() method.
  • silentneedle
    edited May 2016
    After a little testing it seems Modifysettings() doesn't allow you to modify the settings of a bolt entity, even in the Initialized callback, looks like the method naming is wrong as I've also found some comment in the documentation which states that the method isn't used to write any settings.

    However, if you want to save some resources (like me) you could start implementing something like Yukichu mentioned here. The idea is to setup a BoltEntity skeleton and add the required components (which could come from asset bundles) by script.