PUN Vs Google Playe game plugin For Unity

Hi Every one,
I am new to PUN and new to networking games.I want to know the difference bwt PUN and play-games-plugin-for-unity
My requirement is to make a turn based game.But i need to know the fundamental difference btn the two produtcs.
say using google plugin for unity I can play my game across from my android device with an IOS users and vice versa.
And I can invite all my g+ friends to play with me.
does the PUN turnbase engine can give me cross platform game sessions[android with IOS].



  • Tobias
    We didn't check out Google Play Games services in depth, so we can't provide their feature list.
    You can use Google services in combination with Photon, if you like. Photon does not define a friend list or such.

    Photon is cross platform and suitable for turnbased games. You can use Photon Turnbased if you want games to be stored and resumed later on (asynchronous gameplay).