What is OnEvent: Event 201

I'm working on some sync/interpolation/prediction code based on:

I've used this method before with "legacy" unity Network and had better results. Using photon things are very choppy, so I'm debugging the serialization.

My question is, what is "OnEvent: Event 201" I see it in my log, appearing between state sync updates. So it appears to be logged when a remote player updates their state. But I don't know where to check these event codes to ensure my assumption is correct.

Any tips, info, links are appreciated. Thank you.


  • TylakNF
    Logging the remote player from the MasterClient reveals some additional info.

    Remote player interpolates well when Event 201 occurs between multiple local updates:

    Remote player interpolates poorly when multiple Event 201s occur without local updates:

    Perhaps the interpolation/prediction code I'm using is not handling lag properly. But I need to know what Event 201 is to fix it.

    Thanks for anyone reading/responding!

  • TylakNF
    Ok found this:

    public const byte SendSerialize = 201;

    So those events are the serialized data reaching the editor (no local player was spawned in editor, player was in a standalone exe). No idea why the interp/predict was not updating between events, but obviously that creates a very stutter-y effect.
  • Hi,

    Do you use PhotonMessageInfo.timestamp parameter in OnPhotonSerializeView handler instead of local time? The parameter contains Photon time at the moment when position was sent from client and can be effectively used for lag compensation.