Dynamic Map Networking Help

Hello, I was wondering if anyone here knows how I could go about syncing a fairly large map composed of about 4000 movable blocks for everyone on the server? I can't add Photon View components to each block because as far as I know, you can only have 1000 View IDs. I hope someone can shed some light on my situation. Thanks for your time.


  • Cry
    edited July 2015
    I'm currently experimenting with adding a PhotonView component to a block when it's hit by a ray so that I can send the RPC to move it. Then, once it has moved, I can destroy the PhotonView component from the block. It doesn't seam to be working, however.
  • Tobias
    I think I saw this question in Unity Answers, could that be? Answered there.
    Please add a link here, if both are your topics.
  • Cry
    edited August 2015
    Ahh yes, thanks for answering. I ended up making an array of GameObjects wherein each GameObject gets a unique name's corresponding to its index in the array. The RPC to move the block then simply takes an int as a parameter which I get from int.Parse(hitInfo.collider.name).

    Here's the link to the Unity Answers post: