Custom Authentication Error

I'm having trouble with the custom authentication for the Photon Cloud. It's giving me the following error when attempting to connect:
Operation failed: OperationResponse 230: ReturnCode: 32755 (Custom authentication service error: Error). Parameters: {} Server: NameServer

Custom Authentication failed (either due to user-input or configuration or AuthParameter string format).

Not sure where this is going wrong though.
PhotonNetwork.AuthValues = new AuthenticationValues();
PhotonNetwork.AuthValues.AuthType = CustomAuthenticationType.Custom;
PhotonNetwork.AuthValues.AuthParameters = "userid=" + userID // This is 0
	+ "&sessionid=" + sessionID; // This is a hyphenated GUID
PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(version); // version = "v0.1"
Auth URL:
Additional KeyValue: SecretKey

I've short-circuited the PHP script to just return the json string:
{"ResultCode":1,"Message":"You are connected!"}

I've tried commenting out AuthParameters since the PHP script always returns success. No luck.

Anyone have any ideas?


I think I figured this out. Switching the https to http works, so I'm assuming photon doesn't accept self-signed certificates. I'll just have to remember to change this when going live.


  • Tobias
    Thanks for letting us know. I forwarded this to the server guys to make sure they notice and maybe add a hint about this where it makes sense.
    Sorry for the inconvenience!
  • hey,
    any update on this issue....I'm facing the same issue too