Playmaker spawning players after joining a room question

so im able to create rooms and and then spawn a player into a new scene, now on the join side i can see the name of the room and that theirs 1 player in the room. when i join the room though i spawn into the new scene but can not see the other player. but if i start a third client i see that there is 2 people in that room. so im confused as to why i can not see the other player. the player prefab has a photon proxy and a photon view attached to it. using the editor i can only see the one player in the hierarchy. and ive run out of ideas as to why i can not see the other player. any help on this would be great .

thanks in advance.


  • vadim
    When do you spawn a player? Make sure that client is joined to room already.
    Do you use PhotonNetwork.Instantiate() for spawn?
  • invayne
    im using the playmaker actions since im doing it with playmaker but i already got this working now im just working on getting the ufps controller to work correctly got every thign workign so far except the 3rd person animations have to get them synched and i think im good to go