Server reset time question

So around every 49 days the server's time is reset. At that time, I'm just wondering--what happens to all the timestamps that are sent? When they are received will they be at the wrong time? If so, how to handle this?


  • bump
  • vadim
    Integer server time (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.ServerTimeInMilliSeconds) overflows every 49 days.
    Only difference between 2 server time values makes sense. The difference is ok even if more recent value is less than previous one because of overflow. It fails only if more than 49 days passed between times registration. So do not use absolute times and do not store timestamps for more than 49 days.
    PhotonNetwork.time is double representation of integer server time. But overflow arithmetics does work not for doubles. So issues are possible for PhotonNetwork.time when server time overflow occurs.