Cannot send RPCs in Lobby! RPC dropped.

Hi, after creating a room it still says that I can not do RPC calls inside the lobby. Isn't the lobby what you are in before you create or join a room?

This is how I crate a room and after it's created PhotonNetwork.connectionState says "Connected":
PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(serverName + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), new RoomOptions() { maxPlayers = maxPlayers }, null);


  • dontonka
    Hello Gatsu,

    Indeed you can only send RPC when you are in a Room, this is clear from documentation, I've asked that question recently. In your case, you think you have created the room, but maybe somehow the room is not created, or you are calling the RPC too early (before you actually joined the room).

    So you should listen to corresponding callback (i dont recall them by earth, kind of joinedRoom, roomCreationFailed, etc). There is also a member I think in PhotonNetwork called inRoom or something similar that ensure you are in a Room.

    Don T.