Requesting serialized data after manual instantiation.

We are manually instantiating game objects and assigning photon view ids using PhotonNetwork.AllocateSceneViewID. The photon views synchronization option is set to ReliableDeltaCompressed, but because the objects serialized data hasn't changed on the master client since the player joined, the object's state isn't updated on the clients machine. So my question is, is it possible to request the photon server send the current serialized data for a particular photon view?


  • AndrewB
    Have accomplished this by sending an RPC to the master client who then sets photonView.lastOnSerializeDataSent = null which I believe forces a resend for all data for that photon view. Unfortunately I've had to make this variable public to expose this functionality.
  • Tobias
    Hmmm, shouldn't lastOnSerializeDataSent be set to null when someone joins? Then all clients automatically re-send all PhotonView updates. This should should include those of manually instantiated PhotonViews.
    I did fix one smaller issue with PhotonViews and manual ViewID assignment recently. This is not released yet but might be related. I think the manual allocated views don't always register properly and so their last data sent isn't cleared either.

    I will update PUN soon, when we got iOS 64 bit support and Win 8.1 Universal builds. Then have a look at the update and check if your fix is still needed. If yes, please get back to me. This should be fixed.
  • Tobias
    I tested the case in my latest PUN code and as far as I can see your case should work with this.
    There is a small chance I didn't test exactly what you did but I saw the full update being sent when a new player joins - even though all instantiates are manual.

    I will update the Asset Store when I verified that iOS 64bit is working but I got a package for you.

    PUN Free v1.50.4b1 without Demos:

    Let me know if there is an issue still. Sorry for letting you wait.