Syncing Animations Not Owned by a Client

So I have a helicopter that circles my level. How do I make sure that the helicopter is in the same position for all the clients?

Thanks in advanced, I'm new here so please inform me if this does not belong.


  • vadim

    Use PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject for object not owned by anyone. Create and control its position from master client.
    Synchronization techniques for scene objects are same as for owned.
  • Thanks for the reply. How do I access the master client. Would it be the script that I connect players to?
  • vadim
    Сheck PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient in code. It's true on master client (makes sense only after joining room).
    Master client assigned automatically and reassigned to next client when current master leaves the room.
  • Thanks a lot! That helped me out a bunch!