windows and Editor Connects, mac Standalone dont

Ok so I am quite new to PUN and have only just started using it.
Im using OSX
I have been looking for hours trying to find a solution to my problem and im about to pull my hair out so I finally decided to go come here to look for help on my problem

Ive been following Quill 18creates tutorials on youtube to help me build my game and that's how I came across pun.

I have made a script for the network manager and It works fine when i run it inside unity and also when I export it to a windows build. However when I export it as a OSX standalone the connection stats gets stuck at peer created (PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed)
I read the pdfs that came with photon and i tried PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.PeerState to get more infomation about the peer conection but it says disconnected as soon as peer created comes up on the first line.

What really has me stumped is why it works on windows fine, it works inside unity on my mac fine but the standalone on mac has this problem. I would really like some help with this it is driving me nuts.

here is my network manager code
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class NetworkManager : MonoBehaviour {

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		Connect ();

	// Conects tothe server
	void Connect() {
		PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings ("Alpha1.2.8");
		Debug.Log ("connect");

	//Displays network stats on the gui
	void OnGUI(){
		GUILayout.Label (PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed.ToString ());
		GUILayout.Label (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.PeerState.ToString ());

	//when we conect to the lobby join random room
	void OnJoinedLobby() {
		Debug.Log ("OnJoinedLobby");
		PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom ();
	//if we cant join a random room then make a new room
	void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed() {
		PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom ("MattStinks");

	//what happens when we join a room
	void OnJoinedRoom() {
		Debug.Log ("OnJoinedRoom");


	void SpawnMyPlayer(){
		PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("PlayerController",, Quaternion.identity, 0);


EDIT: after a few Gui feed back infomation i have decovered the problem is that the low level connection to Photon is not getting established on the mac stand alone.

so I need help finding out why its not being estabished on the mac stand alone build since it dose get established on the windows build and inside of unity I cant work out what I could change to fix it.


  • Tobias
    Max OSX 64 bit maybe only works in the latest Unity versions.
    What are your built options for Mac?
  • I've been building it on the x86_64 achartechure.
    I also tryed unaversal both faild.
    I can try x86 see if if that works but I'm using unity 4.somthing :p
    So you saying that the 64 bit version won't work on Mac unless it's 5.x+?
  • Yes it works on x86.
    Anyway thankyou tobias
  • Tobias
    It might make sense to report this as issue to Unity. They would want to know, too.
    As it works on other platforms, it might be a implementation detail in the native socket code or something.
    Thanks for reporting at least x86 works.