Real Time Strategy Sync using PUN + Server - Approach Help

Deal All,

Looking to the forum for some help on structuring my 2-4 player real time strategy card battle game.

Our game involves is on mobile and is a 3D real time card battle game. Both players have cards, and there is a battlefield. The battlefield is automated, with no microing of the units on the battlefield. When you use cards to summon units, they summon onto the battlefield and then take over using their own battle logic. You can cast spells that directly influence the battlefield, like killing units, buffing their attack damage or attack speed, etc. Everything else is fully deterministic in battle. The players will be taking actions once every 5-10 seconds.

What do you think is the best approach for this? Minimizing bandwidth usage is very important here - it shouldn't feel laggy on even 3g and preferably we can handle up to 500ms without things jumping around. Summoning takes 3-4 seconds to "charge", and skills we can cover some lag with animation effects. I feel that this should be doable considering how few actions we have compared to many other games and how much logic can be simulated on each device, but I've never done this before and want to make sure I have the right approach. Has anyone made a game with similar systems and have a good approach? Should players just send RPCs to handle every action, then each machine is set up to simply read player action, such as - unit summoned, time summoned, selected target, and spell cast, time cast, target selected? What about handling situations where one player is trying to kill a unit with a spell, while the other player tries to heal it?

Answers are really appreciated, thank you!


  • Tobias
    Anyone checking this post: We had a chat today and I will try to put my input / feedback into a doc page asap.