Detailed guide to set up Turnbased on Unity?

I am aware that PUN is not Turnbased.
After messing around with PUN I've decided Turnbased is much better for my needs.

The readme file included with the SDK doesn't help much.
I've dropped the Photon3Unity3D.dll from libs>release into the Assets/Plugins folder into unity.

This is about as far as I have gotten.

I cannot get using ExitGames.Client.Photon.LoadBalancing; to work.
I cannot get using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable; to work either.

How do I go about actually setting up unity for all of this?

A couple more questions while I've made a post :D

5) Change the server address in the client. A default of "localhost:5055" won't work on device.

How do I change the server address in the client?

6) Implement OnApplicationQuit() and disconnect the client when the app stops.

What do I have to include on application quit?

EDIT: Copied the ENTIRE SDK folder into plugins, figured that would do something.
Would having PUN imported cause any issues as well? I currently have it set in the project as well.


  • Tobias
    Sorry for the long time to reply.
    If you want to use Turnbased in Unity and don't know what to copy over, you might be faster importing one of the demos and ignore everything that's not needed.
    The "demo-turnbased-sandbox" is very lean and minimal. You could use this as startpoint.

    I will write a doc for this asap, too and add the link here.

    When you create the LoadBalancingPeer, you can pass-in a address and later use .Connect(). Or you use the Connect overload with the address, so you can define it there.
    See: ... otnet/doc/

    In OnApplicationQuit() you should Disconnect() on the client you use. See the demos for a reference.