High CPU usage

As I found that my android app with PUN+(v1.25) consumed a high cpu resource even if it's in background, I created a simple scene to find out where the problem is.
I placed a cube that a script below is attatched in the scene.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Test : Photon.MonoBehaviour
	void Start ()
		PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings ("0.1");
	void OnJoinedLobby ()
		PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom (null);

	void OnJoinedRoom ()
		Debug.Log ("OnJoinedRoom");


This reproduced the problem.
It always consumes the cpu resource from 20 to 40%.
When I set offline mode on, it became under 1%.
Is there somthing that is considered to be the cause of this?


  • Tobias
    Is this Android?
    It could be that the receive Thread is a bit over-eager and we can fix this easily in the next release.
    Let me know the platform, pls.
  • Yes, it is.
    This is about an app on Android 4.4.2(Galaxy S4).
    Thank you.
  • Tobias
    I hope you can do with the current version for the time being. I will take a look at this for the next update, ok?!
  • It's OK with me.
    But I have a question. I've been using PUN+.
    I'm not sure how to update it.
    When it got published later, am I gonna be able to take the update for free?
    Or do I have to buy it again at the unity asset store?

    Thank you.
  • Tobias
    You don't have to buy PUN+ for updates! We do continuous updates in the Asset Store and they are included.
    Open the Asset Store (in editor), find the PUN+ package and there will be a "update" or "download" button. This will download the latest version.
    Don't forget to actually "Import" that when you're ready.