Player Character Glitching (Sync Issue)
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Player Character Glitching (Sync Issue)
2014-12-24 15:17:47
I have the weirdest issue with PUN... Check this out!
I have a working MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) Framework which uses PUN and Photon Cloud. Now the Framework works perfectly fine with the present Character (Player) Assets, everything Syncs nicely from Animations, Movement, Actions etc... But when I decided to swap out the Character Assets for another (particularly this one: Blade warrior NPC V 2.6!/content/6515), the Player Characters begin to Glitch in Game! As in... first Player Connects becomes Master Client (host), second Player Connects to that Room, but these two Players (Clients) are unable to see each other's movement because they are Glitching out! In other words you can tell that the other Player is connected to the Room, but if you try to Move towards a Player you being to see that Player as a Ghost Glitching, and Moving around the Screen and Environment Erratically. Now the strangest thing of all is that when Testing from Unity Editor, you won't see any Error Messages at all! What Gives?
I have tried Updating PUN, that didn't help. I tried other Character Assets of the same Artist and it did the same thing; I tried reverting back to my original character assets and there was no problem at all. So it's safe to say that the issue is related to the Character Asset not Photon, while you may wonder then Why am I posting here about it... well because the issues is only happening with Photon and Syncing this Particular Character Asset, while other Assets don't seem be a problem.
Is there anything like this that happened before? Is there something I'm missing to add, or check on the Character Asset Setup to ensure the Character is visable in game and not glitching out? I copied all the the Player Scripts from my Original Characters that Work without Glitching to this new Character Asset and Compared the Scripts (Components) to ensure everything was setup the same, and it was...
So i'm totally lost why this is happening with a Particular Character Asset, and why no Errors are being thrown to help me identify the problem. Please Help!
Does the character glitch out in offline mode? I'm not sure this problem has anything to do with "syncing", and more likely is a purely visual issue or issues doe to either the animation controller, the biped or the makeup of the prefab/naming etc. "glitching out" is a very general description of a problem, you need to get in there and see exactly what is happening if the animation isn't playing properly, or the model is becoming disfigured. If the animation isn't playing properly, there is a problem with the controller; if the model is getting stretched/disfigured etc, there might be some incompatibilities in the model's skeletal makeup.
@FamerJoe wrote:
Does the character glitch out in offline mode? I'm not sure this problem has anything to do with "syncing", and more likely is a purely visual issue or issues doe to either the animation controller, the biped or the makeup of the prefab/naming etc. "glitching out" is a very general description of a problem, you need to get in there and see exactly what is happening if the animation isn't playing properly, or the model is becoming disfigured. If the animation isn't playing properly, there is a problem with the controller; if the model is getting stretched/disfigured etc, there might be some incompatibilities in the model's skeletal makeup.
I didn't test Offline mode, but I will....
Did you ensure you have ALL the necessary components on the new character prefab?
More specifically...any form of lerp transform component?
I don't know exactly where you fail but I have a feeling that you should do the Marco Polo Tutorial again to get a better grip of how you make a character networ-ready with Photon. At least, take a good look at the paragraph "Fight for Control". Maybe that's your issue. The solution is in the tutorial. ... marco-polo
There is something wrong with the character assets I am using... as there is no problem with other Character I use, the Networking with PUN has already been setup and works Great! Only when I use this particular Character Asset does the Player's Bug Out! It' weird but I don't have any other option it seems other than to wait for the Artist to fix his Character Assets...
I found over 2000 Warnings in a Recent Build that stated the Character has some Translation Animation in their Hierarchy somewhere and it was not support or something. I forget the exact error, but none the less the problem I believe is with the Character Assets, as other Characters Work Fine with my Setup.
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