Turnbased documentation


I'm working on a multiplayer turnbased board game and I've been testing Photon Turnbased in the last week.

I had a lot of difficulty in finding and understanding the docs, that are sometimes incomplete or not clear.

I could test the Memory demo and implement Webhooks in my Azure account successfully... besides all the difficulty to get there reading and re-reading the docs.

Now, I'd really like to know where can I find the api docs and references for the photon turnbased, that I've been looking for them the whole day. I'm sure they were somewhere around... but... I just can't find them.

My company and me are really interested in using Photon Turnbased for the game, but it's sadly difficult to find things and start using it fast.

I'll keep on trying and hope you guys can tell me what's the best way to find the api docs and everything we need to develop a nice turnbased board game!

Thanks a lot!


  • Tobias
    I am sorry to read you are struggling so much.
    The problem is that Turnbased is not completely separated from "Realtime". It's the same API and the api reference is the pdf or chm file in the package you use.
    Its also online here:
    http://doc-api.exitgames.com/en/turnbas ... otnet/doc/

    Let us know where you're stuck.
  • Hi, Tobias! Thanks for your reply and sorry about my delay on the reply.

    I have configured webhooks for the full test of the memory demo, and it worked fine on Azure.

    Now, I'm testing on my own new project this flow: connect -> create room -> join room, following the examples on the "getting started" section and the memory example.

    I'm basically calling the API on the methods I listed above and printing out the responses.

    Debug.Log ("Default response: " + SupportClass.DictionaryToString(operationResponse.Parameters) + " returnCode:" + operationResponse.ReturnCode + " debugMessage:" + operationResponse.DebugMessage);

    The connection goes ok.

    When I create a room I receive this response:
    {(Byte)221=(String)WHhGwPAImslK8bwLZkdmxHEneiiqkpLObgRK2Pai64NK/3pVa4wQIxPZY0oyys3ZyGMYAxaChYlnpGV7piw052SyAL8W3hF/RVa/H2xL5Og=, (Byte)230=(String), (Byte)219=(Byte)0} returnCode:0 debugMessage:

    I presume the room was created.

    And right after that I receive another response:
    {} returnCode:32752 debugMessage:Failed to load state from http://gnswebdev.azurewebsites.net/d919 ... GameCreate? : Error response ResultCode='1' Message='Missing UserId.'.

    That invalidate the room creation?

    And when I call opJoinLobby I get nothing on response. Or opJoinRoom with the name of the room returns me it does not exist.

    I'm a really new to Photon and multiplayer stuff and I'd really appreciate if you could please guide me through the basics and tell me where I can find some examples. I tried de getting-started and the docs, but I'm kind of stuck.

    Thanks a lot!
  • Tobias
    It's my turn to be late again. Sorry. So much to do!
    When you use Turnbased, you must also set a userID which is unique. We need to find the room names that you are in, so you can load those.

    You can simply make up a player name without authentication but we prefer you to use Custom Authentication for a release.
    http://doc.exitgames.com/en/pun/current ... entication