PhotonNetwork failed while loadLevel

Hi, in my game made in Unity a have a very serious problem. I mean, I can join the game onlky one time if not resterting the whole application. While reloading level by function loadLevel() for example, the second time, I got the message "JoinnedLobby" and that's all. The connections stugged. I have no idea. I thing that it has a relation with some static fields of PhotonNetwork class, but I'm run out of ideas how to fix it. Have you got any solutions for that matter? Thanks in advance!


  • vadim
    I can join the game onlky one time if not resterting the whole application.
    Do you mean that JoinRoom - LeaveRoom - JoinRoom sequence does not work for you? Or the issue is LoadLevel specific?
    I got the message "JoinnedLobby" and that's all
    Can you join room with JoinRoom call after that?