Windows Store/Phone 8.1 TypeInitializationException

Hey there

I'm trying to run my game on my windows phone 8.1 (using unity's Windows Store build system, universal 8.1 SDK)
I'm getting the following error at runtime in the dev console (both when running on my phone or as a metro app)


Thanks for the help


  • Tobias
    Are you using the latest PUN version? PUN+ or PUN free?
    I will have to take a look these days. Tomorrow or so, I have access to my Win 8 machine.
  • Latest PUN free
  • Tobias
    I think I can take a look tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. I'm sick at home without Win 8.
  • Tobias
    I just built the 8.0 version and didn't have the exception.
    I have to figure out what I need to install, cause at the moment Unity fails to compile due to missing framework folder ".../4.5.1/". Even though I already installed 4.5.1.

    By the way: Check the Player Settings. Select "Use Net Core" and check the "InternetClient" capability. Also build "Release" and "x86".
  • Tobias
    Unity 4.3.4f1 exports and builds fine for me. I tested the Boxes Demo that's in the PUN package v1.28.3.
    Let me know which Unity version you use and how you produce the issue.