Can't download bootcamp demo

edited January 2012 in DotNet

I've tried several times to download it in the asset store. I uninstalled and reinstalled unity but it's stuck to "building 33%" and when I close the download section, the download isn't there anymore.
I've also tried to let the pc turned on 8h with my 3Mo/s connexion but it hasn't downloaded one byte of it ....

Any suggestions ?


  • Boris
    I read that several users complained about it; the download seems to continue after a longer time.
    You can also download the package here:
  • Sladix
    Thanks a lot. Hope the problem will be fixed soon !
  • Sladix
    Well I suppose I spoke too fast ...

    I've downloaded and imported it (with all the standard assets exept mobile and toons ).
    When I want to compile, it says
    Assets/Scripts/Unity/ImageEffectsOrder.js(42,28): BCE0019: 'PreferRenderImage3' is not a member of 'PostEffectsBase'.
    Assets/Scripts/Unity/ImageEffectsOrder.js(44,20): BCE0019: 'OnRenderImage3' is not a member of 'PostEffectsBase'. Did you mean 'OnRenderImage'?
    Assets/Scripts/huds/GameQualitySettings.js(367,46): BCE0019: 'available' is not a member of 'DepthOfField'.

    What did I miss ?
  • Try commenting out those lines. :shock:
  • Boris
    Did you import into an empty project?
  • Sladix
    Yes I did, just with the standard assets.
  • Boris
    it should be an absolute empty project..also..make sure to use the newest unity version
  • marf
    Hi, the FTP link doesn't work for me.
  • Neither the Asset Store link (hangs on building 23 %), nor the FTP link is working. So, where can I get this project?
  • Tobias
    What does that mean: "Hangs on building 23%"?
    I'm currently updating PUN and will take a look at Bootcamp when that's done.
  • He means it is stuck at building 23% I left this post over at the assest store forum last night on unity site. I tried rebooting and such. No luck
    I am having this problem with the photon bootcamp demo. It gets stuck at 23% so last night I decided to leave it run and do its thing but I come out this morning and it is still at 23%. I did what was suggested above me by quitting Unity and rebooting. Still happened, and don't try to tell me my network is not stable.
  • Tobias
    Unity fixed this and we got a new version uploaded, too.
    Now it downloads fully and installs correctly!

    Please try again.