Some coop questions

Hi all,
I'm thinking about to add coop mode to my game, but I've some questions.
When the game start some objects are spawned at random locations, should I worry about sync those objects across all clients ?
Is possible to add a chat system using just photon pun ? or should I use photon chat too ?
If I buy PUN+ the 100 CCU are per title basis or I can share those 100 CCU on, for example, two games ?



  • Tobias
    1) Some objects are fine but there is a limit to this. You should carefully think about which values you must send and which ones can be derived or set to some default value.
    Experiment with it!

    2) It is possible to send Chat as in-room RPC messages. Room-independent chat needs Photon Chat or some other solution.

    3) PUN+ applies a CCU bonus to a single title / subscription.
    We actually run and manage servers for this, so we hope it's not unfair, despite being per-title.
    You can use another 20 CCU free subscription still.