Unity PSM

when I want build my project with playstation mobile builder I got errors "error CS0104: `Hashtable' is an ambiguous reference between `System.Collections.Hashtable' and `ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable' " on lot of class (LoadBalancingClient,Player,Room,etc.).
I tried to place UNITY_PSM in defines but that no effect.
Any ideas?


  • Tobias
    All source .cs files in Unity should define:
    using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable;

    Please check if your and our PUN files do this.
    In some cases, pre-compile conditions might be used which don't include UNITY_PSM as platform.
    I will try to take a look but you should be able to make sure the "using" is applied to all relevant files for the platform.