Upgrading to Pun+ for mobile export error

I recently upgraded to Pun+ to export for mobile, I now get this error message Assets/Photon
"Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/NetworkingPeer.cs(187,24): error CS0117: `ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer' does not contain a definition for `NoSocket'"

If I comment out the offending code it will still run on PC but fails on Mobile with the error "Unable to find PhotonSocketPlugin" being logged.


  • Tobias
    In some cases, Unity's built-in importer fails to upgrade existing PUN Free projects to PUN+.
    The following steps should help:

    Before you start: Backup your work!
    Make sure PUN Free is the same version as your PUN+ version (upgrade accordingly. make sure everything works with PUN Free).
    Then, copy the PUN+ files into your existing project via the Explorer or Finder. Make sure to "merge" all folders into existing ones and to "overwrite" or "replace" anything existing related to PUN.
    You can skip the Demos and any *.meta file from the PUN+ folder.

    This should usually get rid of the error in Unity Free but keep all references of the scripts working.
    I hope this helps.
  • Thanks for the reply.

    I understand everything except checking the versions, The free version on the unity asset store is 1.25.3 but the Photon Unity3D sdk download is, there's aren't even close, am I missing something?
  • Tobias
    I meant to check PUN Free version versus PUN+ version.
    The assembly has a separate version and release cycle, so that's not relevant. If you want to use native sockets, you must use the plugins (.dll, .a, .lib and everything else Photon related) from the PUN+ package. That's the point.

    I will see if I have a good idea how to improve this in the future. Sorry for the hassle.
  • Sorry I still don't follow what i need to do.

    I'll just clarify what I've done.

    I have a project for my employer created with PUN Free from the unity asset store, he bought PUN+ for the project so we could export to mobile, I expected him to purchase it from the asset store but instead he gave me the SDK download which I imported properly, and now I'm receiving errors when I export to mobile.

    Hopefully this clarifies what I need as I am completely lost at this point.
  • Tobias
    This is a bit confusing.
    PUN+ can only be bought in the Asset Store.
    It he got a .zip file from our download page, it's a mix-up and not the PUN+ you wanted to get.
    Please let me know which package you got.
    Did you follow the instructions fully? What are the latest exceptions on export?