Room Custom Properties not Syncing

Just after creating a room I use

[code2=csharp]ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable roomProperties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
roomProperties.Add("MyKey", 2);
Debug.Log("roomroperties: " + roomProperties);;[/code2]

When I check it from another player who is not in the room, the custom property that I added is not there. After waiting more than a minute it is still not there.

[code2=csharp]RoomInfo[] rooms = PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList();

foreach (RoomInfo room in rooms)
if ( == roomName)
properties = room.customProperties;
Debug.Log("Room \"" + roomName + "\" custom properties: " + properties);

Using the debug statements I can see that the custom properties are being set correctly, but when being read, there are no custom properties. What can I do to be able to see the custom property from outside the room?


  • vadim
    When calling OpCreateRoom, set RoomOptions.customRoomPropertiesForLobby parameter to the list of names of options which you want to see for non-joined rooms. Then your code should work.
    Room list updated only if client is in lobby. OnReceivedRoomListUpdate will be fired each time 'listed in lobby' property changed.