Rpc.Event support for client sdk

edited June 2011 in DotNet

On the server side I have a custom event class:
class LoadSmthEvent : Event
        [EventParameter(Code = 100, IsOptional = true)]
        public string smth_name = null;
        [EventParameter(Code = 101, IsOptional = true)]
        public int smth_size = 0;
On the client side I receive event like this:
public void EventAction(byte eventCode, System.Collections.Hashtable photonEvent)
            switch (eventCode)
                case (byte)EventCode.LoadSmth:
                    on_load_smth((string)photonEvent[(byte)100], (int)photonEvent[(byte)101]);
As far as I know there's no 'Event' class in the client sdk,
and it is a bit inconvenient to write (and hard to read)
many many times.

It would be nice to be able to copy LoadSmthEvent class from server code to client code (with only one attribute):
class LoadSmthEvent : Event
        [EventParameter(Code = 100)]
        public string smth_name = null;
        [EventParameter(Code = 101)]
        public int smth_size = 0;
and then somehow automatically construct event object
public void EventAction(byte eventCode, System.Collections.Hashtable photonEvent)
            switch (eventCode)
                case (byte)EventCode.LoadSmth:
                    on_load_smth(something simple and readable here);

The question is - what's the best way to approach the problem?



  • Boris
    I'm not sure how well reflection is supported in unity/mono..
    but you could do this manually:
    public LoadSmthEvent(Hashtable photonEvent)
       this.smth_name = (string)photonEvent[(byte)100];
       this.smth_size = (int)photonEvent[(byte)101];
    you could also generate this code (just need to write the generator - question is if writing the constructor isn't faster).
  • gnoblin
    Here's another version of how this can be done (thanks to Andrey Pakhomov aka PAX):
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    class LoadPetEvent 
        [EventParameter(Code = 100, IsOptional = true)]
        public string pet_name = null;
        [EventParameter(Code = 101, IsOptional = true)]
        public int pet_type = 0;
        [EventParameter(Code = 102, IsOptional = true)]
        public int pet_level = 0;
    public sealed class EventParameterAttribute : ObjectDataMemberAttributeBase
    public class ObjectDataMemberAttributeBase : Attribute
        public short Code { get; set; }
        public bool IsOptional { get; set; }
    public static class ServerEventMapper
        public static T GetEvent<T>(Hashtable data)
            T t = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
            var fields = t.GetType().GetFields();
            foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
               EventParameterAttribute attr = (EventParameterAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(fieldInfo, typeof (EventParameterAttribute));
                if (attr!= null)
                    byte code = (byte)attr.Code;
                    if (data.ContainsKey(code))
                        fieldInfo.SetValue(t, data[code]);
                    else if (!attr.IsOptional)
                        throw new Exception("Not optional value not found!");
            return t;
    // usage
    // LoadPetEvent event = ServerEventMapper.GetEvent<LoadPetEvent>(photonEvent)
  • gnoblin
    And probably a bit faster variant in terms of performance (still need to test it).
    Thanks again to the same person!
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Reflection;
    class LoadPetEvent
        [EventParameter(Code = 100, IsOptional = true)]
        public string pet_name = null;
        [EventParameter(Code = 101, IsOptional = true)]
        public int pet_type = 0;
        [EventParameter(Code = 102, IsOptional = true)]
        public int pet_level = 0;
    public sealed class EventParameterAttribute : ObjectDataMemberAttributeBase { }
    public class ObjectDataMemberAttributeBase : Attribute
        public short Code { get; set; }
        public bool IsOptional { get; set; }
    public static class ServerEventMapper
        class CachedField
            public ObjectDataMemberAttributeBase attribute;
            public FieldInfo fieldInfo;
        private static readonly Dictionary<Type, List<CachedField>> EventCache
            = new Dictionary<Type, List<CachedField>>();
        public static T GetEvent<T>(Hashtable data)
            var obj = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
            var objType = typeof (T);
            List<CachedField> fields;
            if (EventCache.ContainsKey(objType))
                fields = EventCache[objType];
                fields = new List<CachedField>();
                foreach (var fieldInfo in objType.GetFields())
                    var attr = (EventParameterAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(
                        fieldInfo, typeof(EventParameterAttribute));
                    if (attr != null)
                        CachedField field =
                            new CachedField
                                    attribute = attr,
                                    fieldInfo = fieldInfo
                EventCache[objType] = fields;
            foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
                byte code = (byte)fieldInfo.attribute.Code;
                if (data.ContainsKey(code))
                    fieldInfo.fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, data[code]);
                else if (!fieldInfo.attribute.IsOptional)
                    throw new Exception("Not optional value not found!");
            return obj;
    // usage:
    // LoadPetEvent event = ServerEventMapper.GetEvent<LoadPetEvent>(photonEvent)
  • gnoblin
    I decided to post this thing here :).

    It is convenient to print incoming events into the console (on the client).
    But manually constructing a string for each class is tedious.

    So here is an extension method for printing an instance of
    public class LoadFlowerEvent : Event //Note: Event here is just "class Event { }" (for server code compatibility pusposes)
            [EventParameter(Code = 100, IsOptional = true)]
            public float pos_x = 0;
            [EventParameter(Code = 101, IsOptional = true)]
            public float pos_y = 0;
            [EventParameter(Code = 102, IsOptional = true)]
            public int flower_type = 0;

    ClientLibrary.LoadFlowerEvent (pos_x = 23.5, pos_y = 47, flower_type = 1)

    by simply doing
    Debug.Log(load_flower_event.SuperToString()); //should work for all event\operation classes (and not only them)

    Big thanks to PAX!

    The code you need to add to your project is:
    public static class ObjectExtender
            public static string SuperToString(this object obj)
                List<string> parametres = new List<string>(); 
                foreach (var f in obj.GetType().GetFields())
                    parametres.Add(f.Name + " = " + f.GetValue(obj));
                return string.Format("{0} ({1})", obj.GetType(), string.Join(", ", parametres.ToArray()));
  • gnoblin
    I've made the same system for Operation classes on the client (after meditating on PAX's code).
    It works OK (so I can just copy Operation class from server and be happy without manually writing parameter codes).
    I'm planning to post it here a bit later.
  • Really useful stuff here gnoblin, thanks for sharing!