[Freebie] Instantiate GameObject Reference

Are you fed up with typing in paths to objects you want to network instantiate? Me too!
Here's a really simple little class/ property drawer that will allow you to directly reference the objects you want to instantiate :)


It even goes red when the object you reference is outside of the Resources/ folder!
Simply reference .gameobjectLocation whenever you want to network instantiate the object :)

public class ReachNetworkObject
    public GameObject gameobject;
    public GameObject lastGameobject;
    public string gameobjectLocation;

Property Drawer
public class ReachNetworkObjectDrawer : PropertyDrawer
    string resourcePath = "Assets/Resources/";

    private string GetAssetLocation(Object asset)
        if (asset != null)
            string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(asset);

            if (assetPath.Contains(resourcePath))
                return assetPath.Substring(resourcePath.Length).Split(new char[] {'.'})[0];
                Debug.LogError("GameObject is not inside resources folder! Network objects must be!");

        return "";

    public override void OnGUI(Rect pos, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label)
        SerializedProperty gameobject = prop.FindPropertyRelative("gameobject");
        SerializedProperty lastGameobject = prop.FindPropertyRelative("lastGameobject");
        SerializedProperty gameobjectLocation = prop.FindPropertyRelative("gameobjectLocation");

        if (gameobject.objectReferenceValue != lastGameobject.objectReferenceValue)
            gameobjectLocation.stringValue = GetAssetLocation(gameobject.objectReferenceValue);
            lastGameobject.objectReferenceValue = gameobject.objectReferenceValue;

        Color original = GUI.color;
        if (gameobjectLocation.stringValue == "")
            GUI.color = Color.red;

                new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.width, pos.height),
                new GUIContent(label));

        GUI.color = original;