Mysterious TCP Peers

[Deleted User]
edited March 2011 in DotNet
I'm running latest client and server code. And have the following to ensure I am only using UDP:

this.peer = new LitePeer(this, ConnectionProtocol.Udp);

PhotonServer.config (commented out TCP listener)

So on the client I am only using UDP, and on the server I have TCP completely disabled.

In the server logs, I see it adding a UDP listener & TCP Policy listener. All normal so far...

But when I check out PhotonDashboard or the PerfmonCounters I see the TCP peers count climbing continually. It never goes down it only increases. Eventually it reaches a couple hundred and I restart the server to clear them out.

This has started happening since I updated to Unity3. Any ideas?


  • Boris
    It sounds like the policy connections do either never disconnect - or it's a bug and the tcp peer counter is just not decremented. We will check this asap.
  • Boris
    Did you notice if these ghost peers count towards the license limit?
  • I am not sure if it contributes to the license limit. We keep restarting it when they get too high.

    Interestingly I just noticed that sometimes TCP CLR Commands goes up to 1 per sec for just 1 second, then back to nothing. Very rare, but it happens. Attached a screenshot.
    tcp.png 17.2K
  • Boris
    The policy connections to port 843 are TCP. The clr returns the policy file, so that is fine.
    This happens every time a new web player client connects. Otherwise the web player wouldn't be able to communicate with photon at all.
  • Just confirmed that the TCP peers to count towards the licence limit. Just had to restart the server.
  • Tobias
    On our test server, we have the same effect but didn't notice it. I can't reproduce this locally, yet.
    It seems to be happening only under certain conditions or rarely. How often do the TCP user count increase in your case?

    For the time being, I could supply you with a temporary unlimited license, so no users are rejected because of the CCU limit until we find and fix this.