Room Already Exists


Im having a problem whereby if I create a room do some stuff. Everyone leaves and then i try to re-join the room Photon tells me that A game with the specified ID already exist. However if I in the OnPhotonCreateRoomFailed Debug out PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList().Length it returns 0 suggesting that no rooms infact exist. Photon does eventually recognise that the room no longer exists but its a real pain especially during development. Does anybody know what causes Photon to think there is a room in existance and/or how I can get round it?


  • Tobias
    This is a known inconvenience due to lag in updating the room lists. Instead of keeping the room lists 100% accurate, we try to do it in bursts and save some bandwidth and performance by that.
    You can:
    Avoid colliding room names (which is a good idea anyways). Make up a new mostly random name each time you create.
    Or: Use no room name at all and get one GUID assigned by the server.