Whats in the pipeline for exitgames?

I am interested in seeing exitgames providing servers on their end, if prices are kept competitive. It would be nice to be able to focus on one company for all networking needs. I really like the way the cloud is set up, but it seems it may not cut it for some games.


  • Oh, and as title says what services can we look forward to? I see theres some kind of chat service.

    While I'm at it.. how do I get going with the MMO demo? Is it playable? I have unzipped it, but not sure what I should be doing with it. I know its not meant as final solution for a game. I plan on using Servers, not Cloud, with Unity.
  • Tobias
    Thanks for your interest and feedback. Always good to have!

    We are working on "Chat" and "Turnbased" features at the moment. Chat is self explaining I think and the latter means Photon Cloud becomes usable for asynchronous games as well and more open for simple web/http based extensions you can easily build.
    We would like to host your custom Photon servers, too but as a lot can go wrong, it's a lot of work making sure they just run. At the moment, hosting of custom code in Photon is not on the horizon.