Photon Client not sending data any more...

edited November 2013 in DotNet

we are using Photon-Unity3d 3-2-0-1 and we are experiencing a very strange problem. Apparently a client can enter a state where it is unable to send messages, but still receives everything normally.

The SendOutgoingCommands-Loop (see below) keeps spinning several times on every update, even if no new messages were are sent since the last update. Looks like it is trying to send, but it somehow does not work and the outgoing queue is not flushed (?)

[code2=csharp]while (this.pGameServerPeer.SendOutgoingCommands()) { }[/code2]

The problem is completely new, the only thing we have changed are the following peer parameters (we were hoping this reduces the chance of disconnects under bad network conditions):

[code2=csharp]peer.TrafficStatsEnabled = true;
peer.crcEnabled = true;
peer.DisconnectTimeout = 20000;
peer.SentCountAllowance = 40;[/code2]

Does any of this make any sense to you?



  • Tobias
    Since SDK v3.2.0.1, a lot has happened. I can't put my finger on something specific but it would be worth trying a more up to date lib in this case first.
    If the problem remains, I will have to check out some details.

    About your settings:
    TrafficStatsEnabled doesn't affect the connection. It only gets some local stats about it, so you could check if you missed calling Dispatch or Send for a while, etc. It is an analytic tool only.

    crcEnabled is not needed unless you encounter issues with some routers which notoriously broke the packages we were sending. Turn it on only if loss is really high.

    As timeout you should stick with something around 10 seconds. The server will timeout any client after 10 seconds anyways. The SendCountAllowance shouldn't go higher than 8. This already allows a lot of repeats if needed. If loss is high enough to drop anything 8 times in a row, then you can't play anyways.