Photon Server for Unity Windows Phone 8


I created game in Unity 3d for windowsPhone8 and trying to implement multiplayer into the game. I was confused that which client SDK i have to choose. Whether to choose Photon-Unity3d SDK or Photon-Win8Phone SDK.

Because, In Unity 3d Currently Network [code2=csharp][/code2]View concept is not yet implemented for windows phone 8. So, If Photon-Unity3d SDK communicates via Network view means i can't able to process the communication.

So, Can anyone tell me which one i have to choose and guide me the right way to implement it. :?: :?:


  • Tobias
    None of our "plain" Unity SDKs implement the network view components. This is only available in Photon Unity Networking. PUN Free is compatible with Windows 8 Store and Phone exports.
    Be aware networkview had to be renamed to PhotonView and the main class to use is PhotonNetwork. Check out the Marco Polo Tutorial for more help on using Photon.
  • SaravanaKumar
    I tried Photon Unity Networking Demo. In that Demo Project 'RealtimedemoScene' when i try to build for windows phone 8 platform it shows following error

    Error building Player: Exception: Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Net.IPHostEntry` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Net.Dns` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Net.IPHostEntry` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Net.IPHostEntry` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags` doesn't exist in target framework.
    Error: type `System.Base64FormattingOptions` doesn't exist in target framework.
  • Tobias
    Please confirm you use Unity 4.2 and up and the latest PUN version.
    The RealtimeDemoScene is not part of PUN. Import PUN into a new, clean project to verify the issue.
  • SaravanaKumar
    I am currently using Unity 4.2 and Finally I build to Windows Phone 8 Platform. From the Visual Studio 2012 for windows phone I deployed to Device(Windows Phones like Lumia 520,820,920).

    From the demo i choose Worker Demo. I entered in to Room Creation/Join Page. It works well in Nokia Lumia 820, 920.
    But, If i choose worker demo in Lumia 520 It will not even connect to Photon Network. It shows an error like:

    Not connected. Check console output.
    Connection failed. Check setup and use Setup Wizard to fix configuration.
    Server Address

    I don't know why its not connecting to Lumia 520. Is that any solution for this :?: :?:
  • Tobias
    I am unsure what could cause this. Are the OS versions the same on all these devices?
    It seems like Unity is not able to load the ScriptableObject which we use to store the server address and config. Is there a known Unity bug that ScriptableObject won't work on all devices yet?
    You can also make sure you set "Internet Client" as manifest option. But then it shouldn't work on the other devices either.
  • SaravanaKumar
    All the windows phones are runs in the latest update of OS. If it is a fault of unity means how its running smoothly in other 2 deices(820, 920)
  • Tobias
    It can be a device-specific issue or a more or less timing-related thing.
    "All the windows phones are runs in the latest update of OS." Which version is that in all cases?

    You should try to re-write your project's PhotonServerSettings file (find it in project, copy your appId from that, delete it and finish the pop-up Wizard's "setup" again).
    You should also check the device's internet settings, connectivity and application-rights.