can now support p2p?

edited September 2013 in DotNet
Master Server + P2P
Postby GravitySpec » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:47 pm

Are clients able to establish P2P (peer to peer) connections with other clients?

I'm wanting to create a centralized server that would maintain a players character data and then enter an auto matchmaking system to engage in small fights with other players of about 4v4 or 5v5 players max in each battle with only minimal contact back to the master server to update inventory from item usage and post battle rewards being awarded.

Re: Master Server + P2P
Postby Boris » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:18 pm

This is currently in development. We plan to reach alpha stage in 3-4 weeks.

the above is the question about 2011, now the p2p is supported ? is it descripted in some manual?


  • Tobias
    Yes, that question is old and we didn't remove it but actually we abandoned P2P for Photon. For our usecases, it's not worth the effort and being able to connect is too inconsistent.