Ping for wifi on iPhone

What is the average ping for a smartphone connected in Wifi on Photon Cloud? I'm asking because I'm in China and I have a ping at 350 which seems really high... However it may come from the fact that I'm in China, that's why I'd like to have better measures.



  • Kaiserludi
    It varies widely depending on the location of the client and also on the chosen cloud-region.

    If you don't specify a certain cloud region, then the default currently is cloud-eu and roundtriptimes of 350 are pretty normal for asian clients connecting to european servers. European clients however can get rtts of 25-35ms with our european cloud.
    Depending on the amount of players that you have in a certain region of the world and the maximum latency with which your game stays playable you may choose to split your playerpool into different regions by letting your clients connect to different servers depending on the location of the client or you can let your clients ping each cloud-region and then connect to the region with the best ping (this is also a nice fallback - if the client can't reach it's usual cloud region at all, as its servers are down for some reason, then it could still connect to another region, as a suboptimal latency usually is still better than no connection at all).

    This thread may also help you to get an idea:
    Just ping the different regions and see for yourself, what's the best choice for china (I guess, it will either be cloud-asia (singapoore) or cloud-jp).
  • sparkgates
    edited January 2014
    when I used ping command for access Ethernet connection after configure wireless connection message are display addresses are incorrect so how to access please suggest which address put for complete this process.

    wireless mesh
  • Tobias
    Can you please re-phrase that?