Issue passing string[] array as RPC parameter
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Issue passing string[] array as RPC parameter
2013-04-15 14:23:04
I noticed something strange with how string[] parameters are handled by RPC's.
When I send an RPC with an empty string[] it tries to find and RPC that takes no arguments. When I send an RPC with a string[] with one element it tries to find and RPC that takes a string.
Sending a string[] with more than 1 element is fine.
Here is my test case:
[code2=csharp]void Start() {
string[] s0 = { };
string[] s1 = { "A" };
string[] s2 = { "A", "B" };
photonView.RPC("StringRPCTest", PhotonNetwork.player, s0);
photonView.RPC("StringRPCTest", PhotonNetwork.player, s1);
photonView.RPC("StringRPCTest", PhotonNetwork.player, s2);
void StringRPCTest(string [] stringArray)
Debug.Log("Success: Received StringRPCTest " + stringArray.Length);
The out put of which is:
PhotonView with ID 4 has no method "StringRPCTest" that takes 0 argument(s): PhotonView with ID 4 has no method "StringRPCTest" that takes 1 argument(s): String Success: Received StringRPCTest 2
I found a temporary fix in adding an extra parameter
[code2=csharp]void Start() { string[] s0 = { }; photonView.RPC("StringRPCTest", PhotonNetwork.player, s0, 0);
void StringRPCTest(string [] stringArray, int pointlessInt)
Debug.Log(" received StringRPCTest " + stringArray.Length);
The problem are unfortunately the optional parameters of the RPC methods: [code2=csharp]public void RPC(string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)[/code2]
Usually, they "help" by accepting parameters fitting the ones defined in your RPC. In this case, your string[] simply fits the "list of objects" definition (by accident, so to say). If you passed in a string-array with 4 items, your RPC implementation would have to use 4 string parameters.
To explicitly pass the string[] as single object, use this cast: [code2=csharp]photonView.RPC("StringRPCTest", PhotonNetwork.player, (object)s0);[/code2]
Ah, I see! thanks. That will save me many headaches in the future!
I am a little bit unclear about this. Can I have an array of floats and send those using RPC?
void someRPC(float[] myarray) {
is this correct?
According to what Tobias wrote, you can pass float[] with
This makes compiler use proper overloaded method.