I keep losing connection with no error messages (iOS)

carmine ✭✭
My game has been up and running for a month now. I keep losing connection today with no reason at all. This is happening on different devices (on my desktop in Unity editor as well on as my iPad and iPhone). ... I'm in a game room and within a minute or so I lose connection.

There are no error messages or anything explaining why I lost connection.

Please advise. I'm running the PUN 1.17, and my project is set for iOS.



  • Tobias
    We can't see a general problem aside from a slightly higher disconnect rate in the US. It's not just your devices but also no change by us that could affect this.
    Did you notice anything else? Higher latency or so?
  • carmine
    Tobias... I made a little debug to help out.

    Keep in mind.. this is after I'm all connected, and have 2 players together in a room (with some other objects). Flying around having a good time...

    PUN Version: 1.17
    - Server: app.exitgamescloud.com 5055
    - connectionStateDetailed: PeerCreated
    - networkingPeer.State: PeerCreated
    - Room is null -
    - Player (Quirk) not null
  • Tobias
    Hmm. This doesn't point to a problem yet. Or more: It doesn't tell the cause.
    You could monitor the state changes your connection does: Log the calls of OnStatusChanged and the passed-in parameter value.
    Maybe we can see if it's the client or server who ends the connection. Run wireshark and track the session (one session, better multiple). If it's something low level, we might notice there.
    Aside from this, check out this:
    http://doc.exitgames.com/photon-cloud/A ... isconnects
  • carmine
    OK Tobias, I'll give it a shot. I'm also checking with my cable provider incase they are doing something on their end.

    It would be super handy if there was a function I could call in the PUN that produced some kind of usable output that I could cut and paste to you :)

    Thanks for your help.... I'll try this again later...
  • Tobias
    I know. If only I already had the time to build that function! :)

    It's actually on our list (and high in prio, too). The disconnect doc is the first step in that direction. We want to automate this for a debug mode up to submitting your "case" to some database we can access.
    Photon Unity Networking has a traffic stats gui which prints out valuable info already. But it's not nearly as automated as I'd like.