Changing player models

edited December 2010 in DotNet
Hey, Im still getting use to photon and though its becoming more clear to me Im still having trouble changing the models of other players in the photon mmo demo. Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks!


  • Hello Questzilla,

    I to have been working with this. Just wondering if you have made any progress at all. I have photon running in my app now and have the demo spawning players, I can launch other instances of my game and it spawns players as well so I can get several demo players in my game at one time. It instantiates just fine.

    However, I am still looking for a way to NOT instantiate the actual player of the client connecting! I would like it to send the information for my already built player and this is where I am stuck, if you get this far, let me know, maybe we can trade email or something.

    As far as "Changing player models", if your asking about making the instantiated demo model change to something other than a cube this is fairly simple if you are using unity if this is what your asking for. Well, if you are wanting to change all instantiated players to say a capsule or sphere. I have tried to make this work with an actual character and I have not had any luck yet. If each connected player have separate styles of characters this more than likely require changes in the data sent from photon back to the client (and the connecting client as well). As far as I can tell, the initial dictionary object that is created would need to be extended to allow for this character information it then could send this new information to your client on what type of character to create and your code could instantiate the needed type.

    Of course, being as new to this as you probably are, its good to see what the group here might have to add.