Android nNetConnect app

edited December 2010 in Photon Server
Not sure where to post this question.

Having issues with my android app. I have a dotnet and iphone app connecting to my extended lite application. I see all clients that connect correctly. I can change rooms with the clients and the rooms get updated. The android app isn't seeing any other client in the room through.

I am using this to make the connect to the server which is connecting to "LiteTest" applicaiton, which is how the other clients are setup.

This is how I am joining the room that the other clients are in.
peer.opJoin("gameroom", sid);

Not sure what the "sid" is, have a feeling that might be what is messing things up. Anyways, any idea why all the clients see each other, but the android app isn't updating correctly?


  • Tobias
    I will have to take a look at the Android library. It wasn't updated in a while (there was not too much interest lately).
    The sid should no mess up things. It's not used server-side, so if it doesn't break the client, it should be fine.

    I wonder if the join operation succeeds or not. Could you verify these steps: Have a DotNet client join a room and debug out all events. Try to join the same room with the Android client. If the DotNet client is getting into the room, it will trigger an event join and get an ActorNumber.
  • Sounds good. I'll take those steps and see what happens.
  • Tobias
    I don't know what exactly is the issue with the old library you use (or if there is something else going wrong in your test) but at least I just verified that our latest Android code (not yet released) understands the DotNet Realtime demo.

    I want to review the actual source code before I create a SDK from it. I hope I can update you within the next few days.
    If you want to take a look yourself, I could give you a preview right away. Let me know if you're wasting time without it.
  • I just verified that the join events are not firing from the droid app to my dotnet app or iphone app. vice versa.

    If you don't mind giving me a preview that be great but I can wait a few days while you review your code, don't want to hurry you guys. Thanks for the quick responses.