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DisconnectException: None, Failed Operation with Reason: Ok

2023-04-19 10:27:45

Hello, we have a problem with adding custom authentication to our project.

So we have replicated the code from Fusion BR Sample for networking operations. It works when no authentication is enabled.

Then we added custom authentication provider, that allows us to authenticate users. We have tested it and it works fine, with correct authorization it returns

{ "ResultCode": 1, "UserId": "SomeUniqueStringId" }

to Photon.

But, when we try to implement it with the client code we receive following in logs:

And the player is never instantiated.

I have also tried to put this code in the clean Fusion BR project and it also breaks the connection. Without authentication everything works perfectly.

I am doing authentication like this on the client

I don't understand what is "DisconnectException: None" and "Failed Operation with Reason: Ok".

Please advise?



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