Can't see other player
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Can't see other player
2023-03-09 19:54:01
When I run two instances of the built project, the players can see each other. But, when my friend (who has the exact same built project) plays it, I cannot see him. It's like we're on different servers or something. Is there any way I can fix this?
Yes. Make sure you use the same region, same AppId and Game Version to begin with.
This is a Matchmaking Checklist, that should help fix this problem.
@Tobias Yes thank you! I figured it out and made the region a fixed region instead of photon finding the best one.
PUN has a setting for the Dev Region. It's a fixed region but only used for Dev Builds. Might be a good compromise.
Don't forget to remove the Fixed Region before release and set up a Region Whitelist (in the Dashboard).
Ah yes good thought. Thanks a lot!
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