Setting Start Weapon Fusion BR200


Is there a way to remove Hitscan Weapons from the Initial Weapons array at runtime and leave only two that are selected from a custom loadout?

I have tried several ways to get this to work and can't figure it out.

In the image above I added code to the OnSpawned method of the Weapons script and it will work with the caveat that no matter what weapon the client chooses the host will always be in charge. If the host picks any weapon, that weapon will be used for the client as well.

In this second image I tried using an RPC with the same logic and tried every combo possible for Source and Target (all 16 combinations) and it doesn't work either. I have everything functional on this as far as players being able to choose their start weapon, but I just need it to work properly where the client isn't affected by what the host chooses.