Why is Photon Quantum only for Gaming Circle Members?
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Why is Photon Quantum only for Gaming Circle Members?
2023-02-02 15:27:28
Just wondering.
Why is Quantum the only one that is members-only when Photon Realtime and even the latest Photon Fusion are available to everyone?
I understand that the monthly fee is high because of the high server load.
But why is Quantum the only service that charges a fee when other services let you try up to 20 CCUs for free?
Initially, the Circle membership was needed for Quantum, because we invested a lot of time to explain it to each customer. Now, our docs are much better and things became easier.
While we don't promise an ETA, it is also not a secret anymore that we are going to release Quantum in the same way as Fusion and other SDKs.
That sounds so good to me!
I look forward to such a day in the near future!
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